
3 Ways Solar Chargers Can Prolong Your Feeder Life

As topics such as climate change, energy sustainability, and alternative fuel sources permeate our national discourse, more people are looking for ways to do their part to reduce waste and utilize natural resources.  Until fairly recently, the sun as an energy source was not too common for consumers, and there were no technologies around to harness that energy at home.  With the advancement of solar technologies, there is finally a way to allow environmentally-conscious manufacturers and consumers make alternative decisions to help conserve. Solar chargers can actually prolong your battery-life and will maintain your animal feeders reliability. Not only will solar chargers save you time, but they will also save you a great amount of effort in checking up on your feeder. Here’s a list of the top 3 ways solar chargers are the best choice for your animal feeders.

1. Constant Charge

Solar chargers placed strategically for maximum sun exposure will be able to harness the free energy of the sun.  Without getting too scientific, a solar charger converts light energy into the volts your feeder needs to keep running.  Because batteries do better when they are not allowed to run low on energy, this constant charge keeps your battery going for longer periods of time. So you can rest easy that your feeders are running at your scheduled feeding times.

2. Less Wear and Tear

Batteries lose life the more hands on exposure they get.  The less wear and tear they experience, the longer they live.  This idea also extends to the feeder itself – if you don’t mess with it, it remains in the fine shape you found it. Because your solar charger can charge your battery without set-up, you won’t have to worry about going in there and checking on it. Everyone knows the secret to a good feeder is a good timer. With this said, you’re timer needs a fully charged battery to optimally run. Save yourself the effort of checking and switching batteries, get a solar charger for your feeder.

3. Proper Care

With proper care, your solar charger and batteries can continuously run with very little maintenance. Unlike the finite life a regular battery experiences,  these quick and simple tips can help prolong the life of your battery and by extension, feeder.

  • Keep the battery in the correct temperature specified by the manufacturer.
  • Replace all batteries at the same time.
  • Do a yearly check up on your batteries and make sure they are working properly.

While some people experience different battery life lengths, experienced ranchers and hunting aficionados report their battery last for years when they use solar chargers.

Ready to add a solar charger to your feeder? Visit Sweeney Feeders for the most reliable solar chargers and durable automatic feeders.

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