
Winter Birdfeeding Tips

Interested in walking in a winter wonderland filled with local, seasonal birds? Your backyard can be just that holiday wonder if you are prepared or willing to make your backyard hospitable to local, seasonal birds who actually end up sticking around your area when you may have believed that all birds fly south for the winter. That just isn’t the case, and if your bird feeders go into hibernation for the winter, you’ll miss out on prime bird watching! Want to attract some fine feathered friends to your backyard for the remainder of the winter? We’ve got some tips to help you!

As with any topic you wish to become more knowledgeable in, read about it! Find out which birds stick around in your neck of the woods and set out their poison of choice. If you are more of the trial and error type, check out the next tip.

Picking the right foods
Perhaps your independent research has suggested certain foods. We’re going to suggest some more. Hard goodies like corn, nuts and seeds are highly attractive to birds. Sunflower seeds are easy to get open for most birds. Peanuts are high protein and high energy. More fats and protein means warmer birds, just what they need in the dead of winter, so suet, and safflower are safe bets as well. And as always, make sure there is water available.

Leave a shelter out
Don’t put your birdhouses into hibernation for the winter. With resources scarce, birds will benefit now more than ever from bird houses of any sort.

Safety first
Help keep these winged creatures safe by cleaning feeders and bird baths regularly to avoid the spread of disease caused by bacterial build up. Clean bird houses after nesting seasons.
Having bird living requirements ready and plentiful for birds will increase the likelihood that you’ll be able to enjoy some winter bird feeding and bird watching.

Our bird feeders are on sale!

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